Saturday, May 24, 2014

YES. Memorial Day Weekend.

After this long, hard, brutally cold winter, it is nice to wake up to a spring breeze, blue skies and bright green grass. Thank goodness. I'm smiling.

 This is our chalkboard project at the RAL Annex. We change the topic frequently. I saw the "Love Kimberly" and smiled.

 I am officially in love with this house. I have no idea if its intent was to be a house, or if it is actually some kind of garden shed. But I think it has been renovated into a house. The sign over the door says "Live Simply so that others may Live". The house number is on the little half barrel  hanging on the outside. There have been workers getting the inside ready. I am IN LOVE and would move in tomorrow.

Beautiful rhodedendron (hope I spelled that right) blooming all over the RAL campus. Lovely.

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