Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I just went into my studio this morning and sighed. The rest of the house is clean, but the studio is a MESS. I've been working pretty steady and my fung shui is definitely off kilter. (I have no idea if I spelled that right...fung shwaaaaay.)

The painting on the easel (can you find it?) is the big commissioned piece, which hopefully, is done. The client is coming to look at it after Thanksgiving. (I better clean the studio by then.) Here's a pic. You probably don't see the changes, because they're pretty small, but they're there....about five hours worth.

I've got several projects going on at once, which is pretty typical for me - this is a painting in progress - trying desperately to get my inventory back up. It's not done yet, but it's getting there.

The light was so pretty that day.
I'm still working on the set for the Christmas Carol show out at the theatre in Georgetown. This is a sign in progress, that will be hanging from one of the flats.

and THIS...this doesn't look like an art project, does it?

Well, it is. A very unusual one. This is a dress that one of the characters in the play wears. Usually when she lifts the hem of her skirt, there are two small children under it, one representing ignorance and one representing want. Instead of actual children, they want me to paint representations of ignorance and want. My brain definitely cringed when I heard that. Still thinking on it.

So what the hell am I doing posting? There's a lot to do, some of which I didn't even mention. Ack. Off to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loo--ooove the paintings! Yes the studio is a mess, but some messes are good messes. Is that your dining room? And you're painting *what* on that green fabric? That I must see...!

PS getting my own studio room soon... stay tuned!