Sunday, August 23, 2009


This is today's Post Secret fave, and how I feel about my children. Today Dusty has been at indoc training for one week. I've been worried about him, but the worry has been passive because there is no contact allowed until indoc graduation on the 29th. However, he wrote to his girlfriend Mel this week (THREE letters and none for mom or Haley, but that's FINE!) and claimed indoc to be "fun". So, my mind is at ease now because I know he's handling it okay. Looking forward to watching my "baby" graduate and begin his maritime training next weekend. We won't be driving into the Bronx this time, taking Amtrak instead, even though it's ridiculously expensive. My car insurance rates have doubled due to all these lovely accidents.

Once I figure out how to link my phone to my computer, I will download the "Seafood Shack" commission I'm currently working on. It's a great building - orange and blue - so lots of opportunity for crazy colors. Right up my alley.

Have a great Sunday, mine's wide open!

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