Thursday, August 20, 2009

Geese, art, transitions

A little late on my fave Post Secret this week.

So, the geese are flying at sunrise and sunset already. Not everyday, but some days. I watched a tree blowing in the wind today and it was losing quite a few leaves. They were all green, but I started thinking about fall being right around the corner. And Haley and I just saw a Kmart commercial saying "it's never too early to shop for CHRISTMAS!" That's just way out of line. Soon we'll be having Christmas all year round.

Painting has been going well - working on several commissions. I do have some other things to get done too, including the Farmer's Market for RAL. Hopefully this weekend.

So many transitions going on. Seasons coming to an end, career possibilities, new place to live, new life in general, Dusty going to school...sometimes it's an awful lot to take in. Optimism and positive energy are the goals for right now. I'll take it day by day.


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love your Post Secret selection this week- I think your transitions sound like all good things. Change is hard, but I wouldn't want you to get stuck in some old boring rutt :o) Best wishes to Dusty!

The word verification for this comment is "turdst" - lovely

Kim Klabe said...

Mmmmm, turdst.

Definitely no ruts here. Thanks girl...when's your show? How many mini's do you have? Are you loving the oils?

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow - 11a.m. - 8p.m. You can subscribe to my new web site blog (if you want haha) at and also view my Miniature Oils gallery there. Love oils! :o) Thanks for being encouraging!

Kim Klabe said...

I am now a subscriber. They really do look beautiful Stacy, no doubt. I hope the show is a smashing success! Let me know!