Sunday, September 19, 2010

Final Weekend

 Busy Sunday ahead. Lots of everyday kind of "to do" items. I can almost check off watering the lawn - that's in progress. Sprinklers should come with directions. They have all this info on the box on what they can do, but then when you open the box up, there's just a sprinkler. No info on how to adjust them to make them do a long spray, short spray, blah blah....and I am just not mechanically inclined enough to figure it out. I end up moving something and then just standing there to see if it did anything. Usually it doesn't, or does the opposite of what I wanted it to do..oh, to have an engineer's mind at times.

Two things on the list (long run and beach) are looking very tentative right now, because the more serious, more boring things (clean out the closet, clean the house, go to the grocery store) are a little more pressing. But knowing this is the last weekend of summer, it's going to be tough to not go to the beach, even if it's just for a little while. Haley and I went yesterday and it was perfect. She struck up a friendship with a seagull she named "whitey" and filled him up ( other gulls caught on) on potato bread.

Two paintings on the easel right now. Would love to finish both of those tonight along with everything else on the list. I'd be a happy, contented girl.

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