Thursday, April 3, 2008

Staying Grounded

You know, there's nothing like life's ups and downs to keep you grounded. There's also nothing like teenagers to do exactly the same thing. With a 13 year old and a 16 year old in the house, it's easy to stay extremely humble and always on your toes for the latest drama. I've become accustomed to being outright ignored and have discovered that my daughter is very able to wake up, eat breakfast, watch the news with me, get dressed and get driven to school without a word to me...or for that matter, even a glance. That is, unless she needs money. That takes communication. The two have also become extremely adept at totally destroying an immaculately clean room within minutes of entry. I think if I installed a clothes basket that took up half of their rooms, they'd still find a way to not use it. And what's really special is finding CLEAN clothes in the laundry hamper because they didn't feel like putting that particular item of clothing back in a drawer. Sometimes they're still folded. Amazing. I know this is my karma for doing the same thing to my mother.

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