I stayed awake! He actually came on at 10:30, so not so bad. And he was awesome. I love that guy! The Cork wasn't very crowded. Plenty of room to move around, no one stepped on my feet, and the weather was nice (the bar is partially outside). The only bad part is the SMELL of the Bottle and Cork. Ugh. It's indescribable. It's a very good thing that it is partly open to the elements. If that smell was closed in, it'd gag you.
Awesome sounding concert! I love those little venues. My friend and I went to see Oklahoma last night (free tix at the Fulton Theater). It must've been senior night, and the production was lame. We left after the 2nd act and went and grabbed a drink. You win.
Where is that commissioned piece? I'm waiting! No pressure or anything.
Oooooooooooooklahoma where the sun comes beatin down the plain....
something like that.
One of my favorite movies is When Harry Met Sally, and there's that great karaoke scene where Billy Crystal is singing "Surry with the Fringe on Top" at Sharper Image. I'm ashamed to say I've never seen the show, being a theatre lover, it's one of those must-sees, I guess. Too bad it was lame! Bell Book and Candle will be better. :)
I'll take a pic of the (dreaded) commissioned piece tonight and get it posted.
I feel like I broke rule #2 of theatre etiquette by leaving early (rule #1 having to do with cell phones). We did sit in back (there were lots of empty seats and we figured we might want to leave) and left during the scene change. But still, I feel a bit like trailer trash for doing it. I'm not so much into musicals in the first place, but can't get enough of a good comedy, i.e. Bell Book and Candle!!
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