Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hazy morning

I had high hopes for this being at least a partial beach day today. Not looking very likely.

I totally get this Post Secret, having taken Ambien one time (first and last.) That stuff is crazy-dangerous. You're lucky if shaving your legs is the only thing you do that you don't remember. And it stays in your system for longer than you'd think.

Dewey last night. Not so much fun. Lots of tremendously drunk people. What amazes me is the Bottle and Cork. The dance area is covered in crushed beer cans, and the liquid (beer....and probably lots of other bodily fluids) on the floor is deep enough, that if you have long pants on, the nasty stuff gets on the bottom of your pants and seeps up like a sponge. I unfortunately work white pants. MisTAKE! Not sure why people there just feel it's okay to just drop your beer can (no bottles there, thank God) on the floor and then just dance on them. My niece told me to stop being old. Yeah, I guess that's it.

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