Friday, March 4, 2011

Cadmium Crazy

You know how people think artists are weird/crazy/eccentric, et of the theories from way back is that many artists went "nuts" from exposure to cadmium in their paints. Even today, it's recommended not to leave cadmium based paints on your skin for any amount of time. And then when you throw in the turpentine, and various other probably-not-so-good things we use in the studio, it's no wonder we get a little nutty. Last night after painting for hours, I came upstairs and washed my hands, which were covered in paint. When I looked at my face, I realized that it was pretty well decorated also. I had to laugh, because I looked pretty ridiculous. I am not aware of the paint getting on my face, because time spent painting is like spending time in a time warp. And what was really weird is that I've been struggling with a terrible cough. I don't think I coughed once when I was painting. Although when I got into bed....oh yes...then I coughed till 2 a.m. I wanted to cut off my own head. If I could sleep standing up, I would. So I'm guessing that at about 2 p.m. today, I'm going to be fighting to keep my head off my desk and probably consuming massive amounts of caffeine. I have so much cold medicine in me right now that my liver is probably in shock.

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