Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Work is definitely getting in the way of my leisure/painting/running time. It used to be that at 5 or 6 clock, I was just getting "geared up" for the night. I always considered myself more of a night person than a morning person. That changed when I had children and has never returned. Now that I'm, ahem, older, it's gotten ridiculous. After an 8 hour day, I'm done! In the wintertime, it's jammy time after work. (Pathetic). At least in the summer, the daylight prods me into staying dressed and active, but I'm usually pretty tired. I've been working quite a bit these last two weeks and haven't gotten a lot else done. The house is a wreck, I have 3 almost finished paintings in the studio, and my running! Fughetaboutit! I had planned on running this morning, but my slug-side came out again and told me that I could run after work. I cheerily went along with that idea, but YOU KNOW that at six o'clock, I'll have another excuse. At least maybe I can trudge in to the Y and get on a machine if I don't run. (Though that doesn't even sound appealing now, let alone at six.)


Anonymous said...

Oh my god - you sound just like me! I didn't realize you work full time on top of everything else you have going on! I am not a person that enjoys being busy, like some people I know who can't sit still. And I was the same this morning... I thought I could walk the dog, put in a 1-hour work out and get ready for work all by 8 (which I have done in the past), but then I talked myself into working out after work, and then hopefully put in 2 hours of painting. We'll see how that goes!

I just ordered that book, "I'd Rather Be in the Studio!"... sounds good. Have you read or heard about it? I'm hoping it deals with artists who still have to work day-jobs...

Kim Klabe said...

Yes, I've heard of that book and have also attended two of Allyson's classes. She's great and was part of my inspiration for breaking out into the art field full-time again.

I'm not working full-time, just part-time, but it's very close to full-time sometimes. Can you follow that? Sounds kind of convoluted.

This Crazy Life of 437 said...

You should have just kicked back and opened a box of wine.

Kim Klabe said...

Mmmmm, nothing like a good box of wine, followed by a good carton of scotch.